Friday, December 27, 2019
I Am Enamored By The Man Who Made All Of It Possible
Introduction I am enamored by the man who made all of it possible. Walt’s Early Years On December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois; Walter Elias was born. Walt was one of five children. He had three older brothers one of which he would later in life be business partners with. Roy and Walt Disney would eventually be Walt Disney Studios. In 1906 the Disney family moved to a 45 acre farm in Marceline Missouri. Walt learned about teamwork while working the farm. Disney farm is where he began to draw animals and nourish his imagination. At Benton Grammar School but showed great ability in art class .Benton Grammar school is where Disney met Walter Pfeiffer a boy who shared the same interests as he and who introduced him to vaudeville and motion pictures. Walt also developed an interest in trains while living in Kansas City. In 1917 Walt graduated the seventh grade at Benton school when father Elias mother Flora and Sister Ruth moved to Chicago. Walt at the age of 15 stayed with his brother Herb for the summer, getting a job selling newspapers and soda pop on the railways. When the summer was over he joined his family in Chicago where he attended McKinley High School. Walt took drawing and photography and was a cartoonist for the school paper. He also took courses at the Chicago Art Institute. A lot of his cartoons showed a growing interest in the great war that was being fought in Europe. The beginnings of a legend In 1919 Walt decided he wanted to be an artist against,Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde1008 Words  | 5 Pagesseeing as both of her parents are dead, the option of having another brother was not possible. When Creon found out that she tries to bury her brother, she states: â€Å"I did not intend to pay the penalty to the gods for violating these laws in fear of some man’s opinion, for I know I will die†(Sophocles line 470). 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On January 29, 1939 Robert Oppenheimer realizes excess neutrons must be emitted and a bomb could be possible if they could create a self-sustaining reaction. On February 5, 1939 Niels Bohr has an important insight into fission. He discovers that U-235 and U-238 have different fission properties. U-238 fiss ioned by the fast neutrons and not the slow neutronsRead MoreThe Story Of Joseph As A History Lesson1793 Words  | 8 Pagesconcepts that can be recognized from just looking a little deeper into the scriptures, past the narrative of what’s happening with Joseph. We get both a wonderful image of God’s grace and of His beautiful design for how things work together for those who love Him. Further, we see God as constantly at work, more even in the grimy, messy times when it probably seems to Joseph that He is the furthest away. In many ways, the underlying theme through the story of Joseph’s life directly addresses one of my
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Brave Heart Silent A Long Time - 1039 Words
Brave Heart was silent a long time. So long that Valiant began to notice the colored patterns of light that dappled the ground as the leaves shifted in the wind. His brows had lifted above his half-closed lids, in a way that made her nervous that she had, in fact, revealed too much. But when the Elder spoke, his voice was as soft as the trickling stream before them. â€Å"Death is a beautiful thing,†he said, his eyes on the running water. â€Å"One of the best things that can happen to you – hands down. Ya get to rise up, out of the muck and just†¦go home.†Valiant blinked. â€Å"Home?†she whispered, as if her voice would shatter the moment. â€Å"Home,†he repeated, with a sigh. His eyes were distant and clouded, as if beholding a scene that was miles and miles away. â€Å"The first time it happened, I was two,†he said presently. â€Å"I was hungry, I reckon. I’d died of starvation. Happens to runts in large prides, †he added, at Valiant’s look of surprise. â€Å"There was a rock and some grass and a leafy tree like I showed you on the savannah, and my grandma was there to meet me. She looked me up and down like I was a real piece of work, and she asked me if I wanted to come with her. Or,†he said meaningfully, â€Å"if I wanted to go back.†Valiant’s eyes were very round. â€Å"Back?†â€Å"Back to the den. To my pride and the savannah I thought it over as much as I could, bein’ two years old. With my grandma, I’d get live in theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Life Story1043 Words  | 5 Pagesto my situation at this time. I also made a storm in my husband’s chest too. Or to go back: My husband immigrated to the United States with his family 7 years ago. It was the hardest time for him when he faced many obstacles in America without helps from family or friends. Working from early morning and coming back home late at night, he did work hard but his wage was low. His stint working in a small pharmacy store persuaded him to get a bachelor degree. At the same time, I had a stable life inRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Love Story1034 Words  | 5 Pagesthe hard time for him when he faced many obstacles in America without helps from family or friends. Working from early morning and coming back home late at night, he did worked hard but his wage was low. His stint working in a small pharmacy store persuade him to get a bachelor degree. At the same time, I had a stable live in Viet Nam with a good job. I felt satisfied with what I had at that time. We talked on the phone twice a day. the phone rang to wake me up in the early morning time, I felt euphoricRead MoreBra ve New World: Warnings Pertaining to Technological Growth 1305 Words  | 6 Pagesadvancements, they should be mindful of what could happen if they become too dependent on the technology that surrounds them. 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During Hester’s public humiliation on the scaffold Dimmesdale is tasked with question Hester about her baby’s father. â€Å"Be not silent from any mista ken pity and tenderness for him; for, believe me, Hester, though he were to step down from a high place, and stand there beside thee, on thy pedestal of shame, yet better were it so, than to hide a guilty heart through life. What can thy silence do for him, except it tempt himâ€â€yea, compel him, as it wereâ€â€to add hypocrisy to sin?†(62). While Dimmesdale
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Bless Me Ultima Essay Research Paper In free essay sample
Bless Me Ultima Essay, Research Paper In life there are many people and events that one will meet that will hold such an impact on their life that it will lodge to them for every bit long as they can retrieve. In Rudolfo Anaya? s Bless Me Ultima, Antonio has encountered many events in his life that taught him a great trade. The events and people that Tony learned a great trade from are, Ultima- and the conversation she had with Tenorio before she cured Pedro Luna, Cico- and the aureate carp, and Tony? s uncles- when he stayed with them for the summer. In Chapter 10, Antonio? s uncle Lucas comes to seek Ultima? s aid to bring around their brother from a expletive put on by brujas. Ultima agrees to assist, and she takes Antonio with her to El Puerto to bring around his uncle. After they arrive, Ultima and Tony go to Tenorio Trementina? s barroom store to ground with him. Tony observed everything Ultima did and looked up to her a great trade. He implies this on page 86 after Ultima tells the work forces in the store she seeks Tenorio ; Tony provinces, # 8220 ; Her voice was strong and confident. She stood tall, with a nobility to her stature that I had seen frequently when walked on the IIano. She was non afraid, and so I tried to stand like her and set my frights out of my heart. # 8221 ; This quotation mark signifies that Antonio observed Ultima? s stature frequently and he thought of her as fearless and stood like her to acquire rid of his frights. Tony looked up to Ultima because he knew she was really wise, that? s what # 8220 ; La grande # 8221 ; meant. In Chapter 12 on page 115 Tony says, # 8220 ; I felt more affiliated to Ultima than I did my ain female parent, # 8221 ; which states that he felt really near and safe with Ultima, and he looked up to her, like any kid would to his female parent. So when they were in the barroom, Ultima? s actions and everything else she did had a positive impact on Tony. Events of Antonio? s spiritual penchant changes a batch throughout the novel every bit good. In Chapter 11 on page 105, when Tony is introduced to the aureate carp, he says, # 8221 ; I could non hold been more beguiled if I had seen the Virgin, or God Himself. # 8221 ; This quotation mark signifies that the aureate carp had a positive impact on Tony more than the Virgin had on him, because on page 42, Tony says, # 8220 ; There was no 1 I loved more than the Virgin. # 8221 ; # 8221 ; God had power, he spoke and the boom echoed through the skies ; God was non ever forgiving, but the Virgin was full of a quiet, peaceable love. # 8221 ; Tony besides refers to the Virgin as # 8220 ; the last alleviation of all sinners. # 8221 ; All of these quotation marks signify that every bit much as Tony loves the Virgin, and how God had so much power, he refers to the aureate carp as a # 8220 ; marvelous thing. # 8221 ; He so compares that to where the power of God had failed to work and Ul tima? s had, which meant the manner he felt about the aureate carp was equa led to how he felt about Ultima? s thaumaturgy, but the power of God was no lucifer to the aureate carp, or the thaumaturgy of Ultima. Near the terminal Tony learns from this event on page 244 when he says, â€Å"I doubted the God of my sires, the God of the Lunas, and knew I praised the beauty of the aureate carp.†This was the interrupting point of him placing the faith he genuinely believed in, because Ultima told him in Chapter 11 that as he grew into manhood he would happen his ain truths and that? s what he learned to make. When Tony goes to remain with his uncles in El Puerto in Chapter 22, on page 237 he says, # 8221 ; The remainder of the summer was good for me, good in the sense that I was filled with its profusion and I made strength from everything that happened to me, so in the terminal non even the concluding calamity could get the better of me. And that is what Ultima tried to learn me, that the tragic effects of life can be overcome by the charming strength that resides in the human heart. # 8221 ; This quotation mark states that, Tony has matured while remaining and working with his uncles. When he describes the regard they showed the Earth and how they cared for the workss he is get downing to understand himself, that he was both, Luna-the Moon and the Earth from his female parent, and Marez-the ocean and the air current, of his male parent. This signifies this on page 238 when Antonio says, # 8220 ; I knew that the hereafter was unsure and I did non yet know if I could follow in their fo otfalls and till the Earth everlastingly, but I did cognize that if I chose that life that it would be good. # 8221 ; Tony references that he thought that was the last summer, he was a true kid. Another event that happens in Antonio? s life, that sums up all his life events in one, is that he learned a great trade from the decease of Ultima. At the terminal of the novel on page 248 Tony says, # 8220 ; If my uncle would of come earlier, he would of saved Ultima, but it is better non to believe that manner. Ultima said to take life? s experiences and construct strength from them and non weaknesses. # 8221 ; This quotation mark fundamentally tells everything Ultima taught him, the wisdom and apprehension he learned through her, the cognition of him cognizing the bird of Minerva was her spirit when no 1 else did, seting his frights out of his bosom which he learned from her every bit good, and above all, all of the cognition she taught him by disbursement clip with her through her remedies and picking of herbs, but so once more, Ultima is non the lone individual who influenced Antonio? s life ; she is merely one of the 1s who had the above impact on him. Ultima would ever be w ith Tony. You neer know what you have until it? s gone, but Ultima taught Tony otherwise on page 248, # 8220 ; If desperation enters your bosom, expression for me in the eventides when the air current is soft and the bird of Minerva sing in the hills, I shall be with you-. # 8221 ;
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Tarkenton Essays - Pro Football Hall Of Fame Inductees,
Tarkenton Francis Asbury Tarkenton was born in Richmond, Virginia, To the Pastor Dallas Tarkenton. He grew up in Georgia, where he played played football. Although he was an all-state quarterback in high school and an All-American at the University of Georgia, he was not chosen in the professional draft of 1961 until the third round, when the Vikings, a newly established team, selected him. He won the starting quarterback position as a Rookie and with the Vikings led the team to an upset of the Chicago Bears in the team's first professional game. From the beginning of his professional career Tarkenton used his ability to elude tacklers and rush for yardage, which became his trademark. The coaches of the Vikings criticized his improvisations on the playing field, and after the 1966 season he was traded to the Giants, where he played from 1967 to 1971. In 1972 Tarkenton was traded back to the Vikings, leading them to the National Football Conference (NFC) Central Division title for six consecutive seasons (1973-1978) and to three Super Bowl games (1974, 1975, and 1977), all of which the Vikings lost. During the 1975 Super bowl Dallas Tarkenton Died of a Heart Attack while watching his son play football in his home. Dallas Tarkenton never understood or liked football but always watched his son play. Francis said this about his father,? Daddy didn't know about football, so he might not understand how it could become that desperately important to a civilized person. But he did know humanity and therefore would not see it as an evil thing.? Slowed by injuries, he played for a final season in 1978 and then retired. During his playing career Tarkenton developed a successful business career, which he continued after his retirement. He was American football player, a quarterback noted for his ability to run with the ball while looking for a receiver. He set numerous National Football League (NFL) passing records during his professional career with the Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants and was elected to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1986.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hemmingways The Sun Also Rises Essays (515 words) -
Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises In the novel The Sun Also Rises , written by Ernest Hemingway the main character makes a decision to introduce the woman he loves to a young bull fighter. Jake makes this decision very much agonist the will of his friends, but in doing so he pleases Brett. Jake does this because he is unconditionally committed to Brett, and is willing to do whatever necessary to bring her happiness, even if it is only temporary. Jake's first reaction to the news that Brett is interested in meeting and spending time with Romero is one of negativity. He learns of this from he friend Montoya and tells him "Don't give him the Message" (176). He did not think that it would be a good idea for Brett to have anything to do Romero, and did not want him to receive the message that invited him to have coffee with their group. At this point it is clear that Jake does not approve of this proposed encounter. His later decision to introduce them supports the idea that Jake is unconditionally devoted to Brett, and her happiness. The introduction was a very strange one. It was not as if Jake went out of his way for it to happen. It was much more the will of Brett. She raved on and on about Romero and insisted to Jake that they go and find him. Jake did not fight her on this issue, but he certainly did not provoke it. Jake was more of a stooge for Brett. She would have had her way even if Jake had not helped her. She uses her feminine charm, and there is, little that Jake can say. At one point she says ?Oh, darling, please stay by me. Please stay by me and see me through this?(188). Jake is to wrapped around her finger to refuse. There is no question in Jake?s mind that he will be losing Montoya as a friend and also the respect that others had once held for him, yet he choose Brett over these losses. Jake even goes as far as to make an agreement with with Montoya that he breaks upon the introduction of Brett to Romero. It says when Romero walked into the room he started to smile, but then say the group with Romero then at that point ?he did not even nod?(181). This was at the first introduction. The real damage had nod even been done yet, but Jake proceeded because he wanted to to make her happy. In this story Jake is forced with a decision that will change a great deal of his life. He decision ultimately costs him a good friendship, and takes away the respect that his other friends had once had for him. He does this consciously and unselfishly without hesitation. This does not mean that he has lost his moral creditability as a character, but rather the opposite. Jake becomes a stronger character after this because is shows his unconditional devotion and love for Brett.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Comparison Research Paper Example
Comparison Research Paper Example Research Paper on Comparison between the Greek and the American Cultures: Culture is a broad yet very important aspect of the society and without it no community or group can claim to have any form of identity. Culture can be viewed from a variety of angles each interrelated to the other. It mainly comprises the aspects of religion, business and economic activities, duty towards others, food, dress code, language, music and dance, etiquette, entertainment, and family values among others. These aspects collectively define a group. The speech aims at providing a clear description of some aspects of the Greek culture and providing vivid comparison between the Greek and the American culture (Adams and Strother-Adams 23). Elements which are used to achieve his include the aspects of weddings, clothing and gift giving. Weddings Greek weddings basically commenced when darkness struck. Chariot being the main form of transport carried the bride who at the time stood on the chariot. The girl would set on the journey from her family home to her future husband’s home wearing a veil. Behind the chariot would be the bride’s family who trekked and carried gifts to the groom’s home. Since it would be dark, the acquaintances of both the bride and the groom would provide lighting ahead of the chariots (Adams and Strother-Adams 18). Similarly, their friends would use torches to provide the light. Since they believed darkness encouraged evil spirits, the friend while leading the way played some music in a bid to scare the supposed spirits. During the actual ceremony, a fruit, more so an apple would be provided to the bride to symbolize the aspect of provision on the part of the husband. This would indicate the husband’s responsibility and ability to provide for the wife’s basic needs from the wedding day onwards. The new couple would be offered wedding gifts which would range from jewelry, furniture and perfumes among other needs. The courtyard close to the grooms’ home served to provide the reception where the guest and family members would share and enjoy the celebratory meal Weddings and marriage in the United States are conducted in line with various marriage laws within America. Each state has its own set of guidelines regarding marriage and wedding although most of these guidelines are widespread throughout the United States. Weddings are not at all compulsory in America as people are able to stay together even without formalizing a marriage and thus domestic partnerships and civil marriages are common. Most marriages in America are conducted the western style and are officiated by pastors and priests depending on the denomination of the partners. Weddings involving the whites are the most common function either performed within a church or outdoors. Secular weddings are also common in America and are mainly presided over by an official from the municipal council, a judge or a justice. America is a permissive society and with their advocacy for human rights, the constitution permits same sex marriages (Curry and Sibylla 45). The society has thus witnessed quite a number of gay and lesbian weddings in the United States. A characteristic wedding in America involves the groom and the bride making vows as guided by the priest or the pastor in a church. The bride is usually escorted by the father or close family members to the groom who waits for her at the altar. The Christian wedding however isn’t the only religions kind of wedding witnessed in America. The continent comprises a number of religions, each conducting their weddings as per their religious cultures. These religious groups include the Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. Most weddings are attended by large groups and family members save for some occasions where high profile members, owing to the need of private, make the event a private one. In such a case the guests would normally be close family members and friends. Despite these ceremonies, a considerable number of American weddings end in divorce with close to 90% of the cases ending up in court. Clothing The Greeks follow a dress code that is quite simple and depending on the weather conditions, the inhabitants dress in wool or linen. Wool is worn during the winter season and linen in summer. Anciently, most Greek families sew their own clothes at home as purchasing garments was quite costly (Curry and Sibylla 56). The wealthy however, managed to afford the readymade clothes from the markets. The readymade clothes were made by professional seamstresses and were therefore very classy. The female members of the families were responsible for making garment for the rest of the family. This included the slaves, the daughters and their mothers. Garments would be decorated depending on the state or city that a family resided. Because of the adoration that the Greek treated their towns with, they made decorations that represented them. Jewelry among the Greek are important asset and so they frequently bought them to adorn themselves. It is however the rich that mostly owned jewels as they could manage the costly price that the peddlers provided in exchange for the ornaments. They also made their own perfumes which contained boiled extracts from flowers and herbs. When travelling, the Greek mostly wore hats famously known as the ‘petasos’. Hairbrushes were used by both genders and women maintained long and braided hairs. The American attire basically follows the western culture and comprises a variety of garments. Both men and women put on pants, and shirts and sometimes blazers. Women put on dresses and skirts too. Dressing is mainly done according to the occasion or the environment. In offices people mainly dress official for instance in suits. Swim suits and beach wear are worn during holidays and specifically in the beaches while casual clothes are used at home where no special condition applies. Gift Giving Gift giving among Americans is generally conducted during special occasions. During wedding, birthdays and anniversaries, people present gifts mostly to those celebrating the occasion. Gifts are also exchanged during special occasions like Christmas and Easter. Not much attention is given to the aspects of giving gifts with the exception of Christmas period. Also, no special items are designated to be presented as gifts even though some items go well with specific occasions as compared to others. Special notes and cards are commonly used as gifts in America. People also tend to bring gifts to families whenever invited into a friend’s home. This is done as a gesture of politeness and mostly seen when people are invited for dinner by friends or acquaintances. Opening a gift immediately it is given is normal as no specific ritual govern the way it should be done (Adams and Strother-Adams 34). Cultures from different societies around the world are in some special way very unique. Despite the use of same elements in describing culture, each and every society has its own way of handling the common elements. This discussion is true to this fact as it has provided details on how the various elements of culture are viewed differently in Greece and in America. The Greek, like Americans also share gifts mostly among family members and friend. Occasions which call for gift giving includes, Christmas and name days. Name days are considered of more significance than birthdays considering the saints after which the children are named after. Only few individuals therefore celebrate their birthdays. It is required that gifts sent during these occasions be affordable. This is because people exchange gives and buying an expensive gift for someone would put much pressure on him to reciprocate with an equally expensive one. This in most cases causes inconveniences. Like the Americans, they are required to come along with some gifts whenever invited to dinner by an acquaintance. Flowers are most commonly used and are sometimes sent ahead of the occasion. In addition, gifts are enclosed in special wrappings and are mainly opened on reception.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
World Slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
World Slavery - Essay Example Today, the most potent instrument of slavery is economic power as opposed to physical power. With most countries in the world joining the neo-liberal bandwagon, the power of money has established itself as the most potent instrument of perpetrating slavery. Previously, slaves would obey their masters for fear of the whip. But today, they do so for fear of starvation. Financial glottalization, euphemistically called neo-liberal reforms by most right-wing politicians, has contributed greatly to economic disparities across the world. In the thirty odd years since the initiation of the globalisation process, the income gap between the rich and the poor has only widened. It might be true that the Gross Domestic Products of several countries (especially those in Asia) might have improved during this period. But internally, the standard living for a majority of the population has stagnated or worsened. This kind of imbalance serves the interests of the rich perfectly, as they now have access to a desperate labour market that is ripe for further exploitation. It should be remembered that poverty is at its most severe in regions with high concentrations of wealth. This is why, prostitution has burst like an epidemic in Eastern European and South East Asian countries that have embraced neo-liberalism in recent decades. Since conventional notions of bonded slavery are not applicable in contemporary times, the parameters for evaluating its existence have to be modified as well. In this new understanding, slavery is closely associated with poverty. So if an individual is not able to eat two full meals everyday, or is unable to get access to basic healthcare, or does not have protection against natural elements, he/she can be said to be a slave. In this condition of acute deprivation, the individual will have no option but to take any work he/she is given at rock-bottom wages. In other words, the
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