Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Principles of Marketing Target Essay - 849 Words
Case Study: Target Target is one of the largest discount retailers in the United States and it competes with Walmart. For several years Target’s successful brand positioning assisted in slicing some of Walmart’s marketshare and for many years its’ business grew at a faster pace than Walmart. However, in 2008 due to economic conditions, global recession and higher unemployment, consumers became more frugal and Target experienced three straight quarters of flat same-store sales growth and a slight decrease in store traffic. During this same period Walmart experienced an increase in profits. In an attempt to stimulate Target’s sales growth, CEO Gregg Steinhafel executed a new marketing strategy in response to the turbulent economic†¦show more content†¦Due to the recession, consumers have now adapted a back-to-basics frugality in their lifestyles and spending patterns that will likely persist for years to come (Kotler pg. 78) †¢ Technological advancesâ€â€i nternet and apps to find best prices for products have produced a more informed consumer base. By focusing on the â€Å"Pay Less†part of its slogan, has Target pursued the best strategy? Why or why not? Target reacted to flat sales during tough economic times. However, for years their customers viewed them as the â€Å"cheap chic†. This was the perception they had in the market place which resulted from their brand positioning. The numerous designer product lines helped Target to be successful for many years (Kotler pg. 94). Given their success, which was due to their value proposition, the strategy they used to focus on the â€Å"pay less†could hurt them since the â€Å"pay less†is not solely what they are truly known for nor is it something that most consumers expect. As stated in chapter 1, the challenge is to balance a brand’s value proposition with current times while also enhancing its long-term equity. In my opinion I don’t see how this strategy will enhance its long-term equity. Again, given the economy improved durin g Target’s new marketing strategy, there is no clear evidence that their new strategy actually improved their finances so the strategy was quite a risk which could negatively impact their long-term equity. What alternativeShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Marketing Principles And Techniques Influence Target Audience Behaviors That Will Benefit Society?1868 Words  | 8 PagesSocial Marketing is a process that uses marketing principles and techniques to influence target audience behaviors that will benefit society, as well as the individual. In this day and age, we look to social media and the Internet as a blind spot for most consumers to be taken advantage of by companies. Some companies like Target have used the cookies from Internet searches, sales data, and social media information to detect trends of certain people. Target sent pregnancy information to a teenageRead MoreMarketing Healthcare Services1068 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing is concept that helps determine the success of an organizational mission. Essentials of Health Care Marketing (2006) define marketing as, the execution of the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of the goods, ideas and services. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Recognition of Same Sex Marriage - 1592 Words
Oliver and Erik were born and raised in a small town in Denmark. Friends since grade school, Oliver and Erik did everything together and continued to remain extremely close throughout high school and college. Oliver and Erik decided to profess their love for each other and began a relationship. As their relationship progressed, Oliver and Erik wanted to take the next step. Denmark has allowed same-sex civil unions since the 1980s, but same-sex marriage was illegal; although couples engaged in same-sex civil unions received nearly all of the same benefits and obligations of opposite-sex marriages. In 2012, Denmark passed legislation permitting same-sex couples to be legally married and naturally, the couple did so. Erik got an amazing job†¦show more content†¦Due to the legislation in Tennessee, Oliver could not use his husband’s health insurance for treatment because they are not legally recognized as a married couple in that state. If it were Olivia who developed the disease and needed treatment, she could easily use her husband’s health insurance. My legal reform would eliminate this problem entirely because despite the biological differences in the marriages, the state would still have to acknowledge them as married couples thus enforcing all benefits. Furthermore, Kurdek goes on to cite William N. Eskridge, stating that â€Å"being deprived of these privileges is unjust because it involves discriminating against a defined class of individuals.†As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, discrimination is the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people. The state of Tennessee’s ban on same-sex marriages clearly limits and separates the privileges of marriage solely on the basis of sexual preference. For example, the Massachusetts Constitution forbids the creation of second class citizens. This may not be the protocol for the state of Tennessee but it is de finitely something that should be adopted in all states. If the privileges of marriage are accessible only to those of the opposite sex, those same-sex couples can now be characterized as secondShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Recognition Of Same Sex Marriage925 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper I will discuss marriage and its legal, social, and symbolic benefits. I will discuss the major arguments for the legal recognition of same-sex marriage and will mention the newest policy of same-sex marriage in the State of Oklahoma. I will give a historical analysis of marriage and family policy in the United States and summarize the information I found on freedomtomarry.org. I will conclude with my analysis of legal marriage for committed same-sex couples. There are over 1,000Read MoreRecognition and Legalization of Same-sex Marriage 1405 Words  | 6 Pageslesbian community has progressed, the fight for equality remains. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lord Of The Flies Reflection Essay - 867 Words
Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a classic novel that begins with a group of schoolboys being stranded on a desert island after a plane crash. Upon their arrival, they learn there are no adults with them, and so their journey begins. Throughout the book, the boys attempt to establish a government, but eventually fall flat when the boys savage behavior escalates. In the beginning, being on the island seemed like all fun and games, however, as time progressed the boys came to realize that the only beast was themselves. Lord of the Flies portrays childhood as a time of tribulation and terror, and focuses on the battle the boys face as they slowly revert to savagery. In the introduction, we are introduced to a group of†¦show more content†¦As each boy takes his first step towards madness, Golding shows the power of peer pressure; most of the boys went along with the horrid rituals because everyone else was, and because they didn’t want to stand out. Take Ralph and Piggy for example, they originally refused to attend Jack’s feast, however, after realizing everyone else was there, they went, and made the excuse that they were curious. Much to their dismay, Simon was murdered that night, and they could not lie to themselves by saying they did not participate, after all, not speaking up encourages the bad behavior. The rivalry between Ralph and Jack further proves that children have issues too, and they often face difficult decisions. The novel as a whole represents the idea that if left alone, nature will overrule nurture. There were many points in the novel where things could have gone differently, where if a different decision would have been made, the boys childhood could have been graced by innocence and plesure. For instance, if Jack and his hunters would have kept the fire going like they were supposed to, they could have been rescued a lot quicker in the novel, and therefore prevented all the misfortune that happened after that. Also, if the boys would not have killed Simon, they would have found out about the dead body on the hill. At the end of the novel, Ralph tells Sam and Eric that he’ll be hiding in the brush inShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Reflection Essay1793 Words  | 8 PagesLord of the Flies deals with plenty of ideas and lessons which amaze us. This state the human conditions, end of civilization, darkness of human mind, violence, destruction of human civilization and end of positive values among children. Through the British boys William Golding discussed the failed h uman culture created by man. They depended on bad rules and barbarism which lead them towards destruction. It signifies that in childhood any bad experience can directly change the mind and action ofRead MoreLord Of The Flies Reflection Essay1317 Words  | 6 Pages In the novel Lord Of the Flies by William Golding, reveals how the mind can be corrupted and how your action can change just by being on an island with no adults other than kids the same age as you are younger. Goulding wanted to make a point that if you live in a society where there is no rules and no adults you will change from being innocent to becoming full on savagery. He managed to prove his point by showing how one character from the book went from being civilized to savagery. The novelRead MoreLord Of The Flies Reflection Essay765 Words  | 4 Pages Carson Musser Lord of the Flies During the second World War, a plane crashes on an uncharted island, leaving a group of schoolboys stranded with no Adult in sight. The first few days life is perfect on the island, plentiful amounts of fruit, no grown-up to tell you what to do, they even elect a chief, Ralph, who sets rules and creates order. When a ship passes the island without noticing the boys, because no one was feeding the fire, everything starts going downhill. After, a meeting is calledRead MoreLord Of The Flies And The Deathly Hallows1554 Words  | 7 Pagespersonality goes through a transformation. The characters of the Novels Lord of the Flies, Fifth Business, and the Deathly Hallows the characters go through transformations based on the decisions they make, the interactions they have with the other characters of the novel and, thinking of major events that have happened in their life. Overall, characters go through transformations based on their actions, relationships, and reflection. In life, people act differently in key events of their lives. TheRead MoreWalking And Biking : Reading Skills Essay1191 Words  | 5 Pagesdoing these reflection projects, so my quantity of reading fell further to just five books every three months. However, the final nail in the coffin of my reading came in eighth grade. On the first day of school, the teacher informed us that we were only allowed to read nonfiction books for our unnecessarily complicated reading logs. Up until the point, I had rarely so much as laid hands on a nonfiction book. I stopped reading nearly outright. Because we had to do extensive reflection and analysisRead MoreWalking And Biking By Eric Carle1192 Words  | 5 Pagesdoing these reflection projects, so my quantity of reading fell further to just five books every three months. However, the final nail in the coffin of my reading came in eighth grade. On the first day of school, the teacher informed us that we were only allowed to read nonfiction book s for our unnecessarily complicated reading logs. Up until the point, I had rarely so much as laid hands on a nonfiction book. I stopped reading nearly outright. Because we had to do a large amount of reflection and analysisRead MoreThe realm of arts in itself can be perceived as a paradoxical and subjective one, causing struggle1400 Words  | 6 Pages– 333). Yet in the eyes of an artist, Picasso states that the purpose of art is â€Å"a lie that brings closer the truth†. To evaluate this claim, further exploration of what a ‘lie’ or ‘truth’ implies within and beyond the arts realm is required. The essay will specifically and mainly examine literature as an art form, with references to the Natural Sciences and History. The first knowledge issue concerns with the validity of art as a form of lying. What is meant by a ‘lie’ in the context of art/literatureRead MoreTwilight Essay1938 Words  | 8 Pagessuch is strigoi (for the Romanian territory), Apotamkin, etc. But no matter the name, vampires will always refer to gothic creatures that drain the blood of humans, thus being monstrous. The first writer to introduce the vampire in literature was Lord Byron in the eighteenth century, but the most significant writer to develop the myth was Bram Stoker. He is the „father†of the vampire as he gave a complete description of the vampire in his most famous book†Dracula†. After the release of the bookRead MoreRalph, Jack, Piggy -Lord of the Flies1560 Words  | 7 PagesRalph, Jack and Piggy, the three main characters in the Lord of the flies encounter with each of their different personalities. Despite their similar ages, they take distinct reaction towards their situation because of their different growing environment. In this isolated and uncivilized island especially with no grown-ups, the development of their characteristics varies in different directions. When the events burst out one by one in chapter one to three, we can discover the contrast between RalphRead MoreJealousy and Race in Othello 1430 Words  | 6 PagesOthello (titular ch aracter protagonist), Iago and Cassio are ‘men of action’ and additionally, throughout the play we are able to observe men and women combating none other than life itself. The play deals with various themes and issues, however, this essay will focus on jealousy and race. Othello is considered one of the infamous (if not the most) literary works focusing on jealousy and the consequences it brings about. Various characters besides Othello fall victim to jealousy in the play and subject
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Behavioral Economics Economics
Question: The assignment is as the following: Part a): Behavioral Economics Definition and Motivation: Define behavioral economics, behavioral biases, and counter-balancing strategies using Ross and/or Dan Lovallo Oliver Sibony terminology. Discuss the pros and cons that motivate corporations to be concerned about Behavioral Economics. Discuss positive and negative impacts on corporations of behavioral bias both on the part of CEO's as well as employees and unions by highlighting some examples. Similarly highlight pros and cons of corporations implementing counter-balancing strategies.?Part b): Strategic, Economic, Positioning Outcomes: Using 10-K or other validated financial, market share, or competitive positioning data, students will relate the outcome of behavioral bias and/or counter-balancing strategies to earnings per share in subsequent years using NPV and/or other economic indicators including changes in Financial Health, Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, and/or corporate Beta. As I read this section, I will reflect on the questions, are strategic impacts (e.g. bankruptcy/successful product launch/IPO; first-to-market successful product launch, market share gain/losses), economic outcomes (e.g. realized shareholder value gains/losses, financial ratio changes from five categories of financial health to include stock price, eps, dividends, etcetera), and competitive position (e.g. maintenance, improvement or loss in industry position) improved or deteriorated over the period being considered? Are the conclusions supported by the quantified evidence for the first corporation case? For the second corporation case? Answers: Part A Behavioral economics is defined as the principle that is used to boost participation on matters to do with the retirement saving plans. Behavioral limits have rationality that is useful to managers, when they want to understand the behavior of investors as well as when they want to exploit the stock price of organization. When the management on the other side is making decision that concerns the organization, they ought to keep away bias that may be taking place between them. The returns on invest will be high if biasness in the organizations behavior will be avoided at all costs. When business is avoided, the decisions will be made by the organization after analyzing the mistakes made. The right measure taken to ensure it is rectified as soon as possible to avoid negative effects to the organization. However, the source of bias behavior has been to be investigated and the management has the mandate to ensure that, behavioral bias no longer occurs again among them. Biasness can affec t the expertise of the management whereby, they are not in a good position of producing their best in their decision making process. According to Sibony Lovallo, the effective decision making biases are: Shaking up the visions view must be opposed in Pattern-Recognition biases. By identifying the hesitation, the Action- Oriented will be biased. In Stability Biases, offset when shifting things up. Making the Interest Biases obvious will make them disputed. Social Biases will be contradicted, when debate is depersonalizing. Usually, the human resources, the leverage, and the financial capital all joined to the supply chain of major enterprises in order to improve and develop the environmental and social accountabilities. For instance, civil and governments society always put pressure on major enterprises; enterprises are forced to function in complicated networks of supply chain relatives. However, it has to be in worldwide level, and tolerate with complex internal firms structures that are not responsive to decision- making procedures at all time. The behavioral economics is currently in the mainstream. It has moved beyond the neoclassical economic theory assumptions of a perfect rational market. The behavior economics is type of psychological, cognitive, emotional and social process that is linked with economic decision making procedure of the company. Behavioural economics explains why irrational decisions are taken and why the decision does not follow the economic models. Behavioral model has been typically integrated from neuroscience, micro economic and psychology theory. These behavior models include wide range of methods, fields and concepts. The study of behavioral economics involves how decisions are made in the market and how the public choice is influenced. There are three types of behavioral finances: Heuristics: Approximate rule of thumb decisions are taken by the customers instead of strict logical decisions. Framing: The mental emotional filters that are made by stereotypes and anecdotes of the customer depend upon understanding events. Market inefficiencies: The market inefficiencies involve non rational decision making and miss-pricing (Dequech, 2011). The behavioral biases are those errors or mistakes that occur by irrational mental process. Irrationality is common human behavioral habit that cannot be changed or avoided. The limited rationality can be defined as sequence of many emotional, cognitive biases. These also include unchecked heuristics, habits and reflexes. The psychology of customer minds shows that it sometimes driven away by the groups and society influences. It takes a contamination form and unable the customer to make rational analyses. Some examples of behavioral biases related to market anomalies are cognitive biases, emotional biases, and autopilot or reflexive biases. Cognitive biases further include: Individual biases that involve representativeness, anchoring, availability, unfounded beliefs, heuristic, memory flaws and logical fallacies and Collective biases that involves systematic dependence on social learning (Vesel and Klimov, 2014). Emotional biases further include: Individual biases that involve affect heuristic, loss aversion, hope and fear and over confidence and Collective biases involve herding and mimicry. Autopilot and reflexive biases that is beyond emotion and cognition include: Individual biases that involves addictions, habits, bad reflexes, compulsions and inertia and Collective biases involves taboos, rules and rites. Market anomalies involve mispricing, momentum, price clusters. The behavioral financing is recently emerging and it gives alternative approaches to classical finance definition of rational economy. The behavioral finance is concentrated towards cognitive and psychology science literatures to verify customer decision making that diverts from rational choices. Researchers have earlier focused on behavioral issues on investor biases, framing and heuristics effects. Counter balancing is defined as exposing individuals to various treatments of orders to make sure that such order effects and carry over effects gives equal experimental conditions (Medema, 2013). Rational thought is the best tactic that is employed in business to identify bias behavior, which is harmful to the organization at large (Kleas Wilkinson, 2012). The activities employees of a particular company indulge in are a way of bringing risks to their lives and health behavior comes out as a result. They are advised of ways of exercising their bodies to keep them fit for their jobs and have a reliable health at all time. When people are aware of the risk ahead they can easily take the right actions that will enable them to eat healthy meals and prevent diseases from attacking their bodies. Employees like the opportunity of enjoying all the meals that they need to eat but the problem is that too many options can overwhelm them leading to financial wastage on unnecessary things, which are of no benefit. When one wants to eat too much, he will end up spending too much on food whereas; the body requires up to a certain percentage of food intakes the rest is a waste. Employees ar e encouraged to have a good health through various encouragements but this does not necessarily mean that they will be healthy. Mark Hurd and Alan Mulally are the CEOs that will be debating their cases on how they have analogized the levels of behavioral biases and counter-balancing strategies. Presently, Mr. Hurd is Co-President, board member, and director ofOracle Corporation. From 2005 to 2010 Mark was the CEO of HP.2 Prior that Carly Fiorina was the CEO of HP; she was exiled because of her deficit while on duty. HP had several of financial dilemmas such as gaining profit of server and PCs market, which was an outcome of the essential decision for HP to buy Compaq, one of the computer manufacturers, in 2010. On the other hand, during the five years Hurd toke over Fiorinas position; a lot of development and have been made in HP. Purchasing EDS Electric Data Corp for $13 Billion, which made HP top IBM, was an important decisions (Takahashi 2010). Moreover, cutting of staffs salaries by 5%, and reducing workforce by 10%, then cutting 20% of his salary all of these are serious and affective changes (Essays, UK. 2013). Action oriented bias was implemented very well and effectively during the five years Mr. Hurd spend in HP. Therefore HPs performance was improved and back to c ompete progressively in the market in such short time. However, when speaking of the interest bias, we find out that HPs board has fired Mr. Hurd due to inappropriate use of HPs resources and lying about his personal relationship with a coworker. This decision taken by the board cost HP major losses billions of dollars in stock value, shareholders, and several lawsuits. After a deep investigations and going back and forth on why exactly the board fired Hurd the secret letter have leashed the truth and firing him was a valid decision. Hurd had done a lot of shaking up for HP, and there were mostly affective outcomes financially and hold a strong position among competitors in the market. A noticeable increase of HPs revenue occurs in 2005 going from 86,696 million to 126,033 million, as an example. In addition, in 2010 the net earnings per share became to $3.78 per share, which in the past before Hurd was in the picture the net earnings per share was $1. As shown in tables below: Yes, Mark clearly has been beneficial to HP and stability bias was countered by shaking every thing up as mentioned previously. HP compensation committee gave him a bonus and his salary increased as a reward. Jackson (2009) states that although H-P's performance has hit the wall in the past two years, Hurd's pay has dramatically increased. For 2008, Hurd's total compensation reached $43 million, whichmade him the fourth highest paid CEO in America for 2008. Hurd's total compensation increased 73% from his $25 million in 2007, even though H-P's stock price declined 29% in 2008. However, the result of getting Hurd out of HP after his relationship with fisher appeared in 2011, the earnings from operations have decreased by two billion dollars as well as 40 decreases in esp. from the previous year. Therefore, in order to keep the stock price up, increasing dividends per share was the best way as shown in the below table. The Ford Motor Companys CEO, Alan Mulally is the second case. William Ford grandson of Henry Ford was the CEO for ford but due to bankruptcy dilemma back then the Ford family decided on brining in new heritage to Ford. Since 2006 Mr. Mulally has changed a loft in ford and one of his primary rulings is to bring back the Taurus nameplate. He stated, I couldnt understand why the company previously has scrapped the Taurus, which had been one of the companys best sellers. Moreover, a major action Mulally have done was to make Ford to borrow $23.6 billion and having all of Fords assets to be mortgage. The main reason behind this is to protect the company from any crisis in the market or unforeseen occurrences. Everybody was surprised from his action, but now no one in the Ford family cannon give him credit for that, especially after automotive industry crisis happened in 2008-2009. Other competitors such as General Motor and Chrysler have asked the United State Congress and ask for governm ent loans, but Ford was financially stabled at the time. In addition, he encouraged and helped Ford to sell Jaguar and Land Rover for $2.3 billion to Tata-Motors and received $23 billion in debt with no regrets and better to focus on Ford products and brand. The losses for ford was decreased to 14.6 billion in 2008, due to Mulally behavioral biases and after turning things around in 2011 Ford had a profit of $7.8 billion, which was magnificent. William Ford the previous CEO said, Alan was the right choice to be CEO and it gets more right everyday. It was obvious that Ford was shaken up very well from top to bottom encountered to be stability biased. It took 24 months to make the whole market talk about Alan, Fords executives finally stopped making decisions based on what was best for their own careers and started trying to figure out what was best for the company as a whole. That was something that had never happened before in Dearborn and it was the key to Fords phenomenal resurgen ce, an automotive reporter Mr. Hoffman stated. He did not stop there; he had a technique for management and focused on cheaper, faster, lighter, and smaller products. The Eco Boost engine is the prefect example it is 1-liter, 3-cylinder, he brought aircraft-building discipline to the auto industry, nobody in the auto industry has an engine that can compete with the 3-cylinder Eco Boost Mr. Reinert a retired Toyota Engineer said. In addition, he lowered the labor cost from $76/hr to $55/hr after negotiation and agreement with United Auto Workers. He lived in Dearborn, Michigan three miles away from his office at the Fords global headquarter. The essential financial progress for Ford in the last 4 years while Mulally was the CEO till July 1st, 2014 are shown in the tables listed below. Initially, Ford had $-12,613 million net income in 2006; the following year it decreased to $-2,723 million. When the crisis occurred in 2008 Ford asked the government for the loan not because they needed the money but because other competitive companies might top Ford after the government loan. Ford didn't really need the funds, but asked to be included so it wouldn't suffer by competing with subsidized companies Amadeo as US economic expert mentioned. A new loan was started in 2010, but less than the first loan in 2006 by 40% because the dept. was decreased. As a result, the net income for Ford in 2011 reached pleasing digits even among competitors. The Financial Times Arcelor Mittal called Mulally Person of the Year, as well as the CEO of the year by The Financial Times and Chief Executive Magazine both awards in 2011. In the first table, starting in after the industry crisis 2010 we can see the stable increase in revenue, earning per share, and net income and the best digits are from the year 2011; $ 20,213 million in net income and 4.94 earning per share, and the best revenue was $146,917 million in 2013. From the second table we can notice the lowest total operation expenses was $11,545 million and not much higher for the following years. As of today, Ford share price is almost $16 per share, which is very promising. Mulallys approaches have led Ford for a new era since he started with Ford, He has brought Ford back to greatness and he has also developed the next generation of management Ford Chairman Bill Ford said. Part b Using the economic indicators, the outcome of behavioral bias has affected the financial health negatively; since, the financial sector has not been working accordingly. The returns on the financial sector has very been poor following that, the best brains were not the one managing finances. Huge sum of money has been stolen leading tote fall of the sector in the case of many organizations. When the financial leaders are bias, they will value their own welfare and forget the welfare of the other people who also need financial aid. The market share has been affected by the bias behavior because, the economy has fallen down due to mismanagement by inexperienced individuals who were not informed on how to handle stock exchange to better market share (Solomon Bamossy, 2013). Whenever there is bias, competition is too high and other companies end up taking better positions compared to the one that has bias in its management. With behavioral bias an organization will automatically fail in front of its competitors in the market who will employ the expertise technology thus, achieve the best outcome. When communication is effected in any organization and biasness kept aside the organization will prevail through all the challenges that may come on its way. References: Bryce, R. (2014). The secret to Alan Mulally's success at Ford. Retrieved from Dequech, D. (2011). Conflict and Cooperation: Institutional and Behavioral Economics. Review of Political Economy, 23(1), pp.152-153. Donlon, J. (2011, June 27). CEO of the Year Alan Mulally: The Road Ahead. Retrieved March 29, 2015, from https://chiefexecutive.net/ceo-of-the-year-alan-mulally-the-road-ahead Gabriel, J. (2014).Case Studies in Sustainability Management the oikos collection(Vol. 3). Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing. https://fortune.com/2012/04/12/how-ford-bounced-back/ https://h30261.www3.hp.com/~/media/Files/H/HP-IR/documents/reports/2011/hewlett-packard-annual-report-final-pdf.pdf https://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0078112699/862163/Chapter01.pdf https://library.corporate-ir.net/library/71/710/71087/items/188196/05-10k.pdf https://mitsloan.mit.edu/newsroom/2006à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ mulcahy.php https://www.businessinsider.com/mark-hurd-jodie-fisher-hp-2011 12#ixzz35mCDm8GD%E2%80%9D https://www.detroitnews.com/article/20140521/OPINION01/305210010 https://www.usnews.com/news/bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ leaders/articles/2008/11/19/americasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ bestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ leadersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ annemulcahyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ xeroxà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ceo Kleas, M. Wilkinson, N. (2012). An Introduction to Behavioral Economics. Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition edition Managers and Managing Medema, S. (2013). The Tyranny of Utility: Behavioral Social Science and the Rise of Paternalism. History of Political Economy, 45(4), pp.755-757. Naughton, K. (2014). Ford Names Fields Its Next CEO as Heir to Mulally's Turnaround. Bloomberg.com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-01/ford-names-fields-ceo-effective-july-1-saying-mulally-to-retire.html Solomon, M. Bamossy, G. (2013).Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective. Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective The Case of Behavioral Strategy, Dan Lovallo and Olivier Sibony Vesel, D. and Klimov, K. (2014). Knowledge-based Economy vs. Creative Economy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 141, pp.413-417.
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