Friday, May 15, 2020
Recognition of Same Sex Marriage - 1592 Words
Oliver and Erik were born and raised in a small town in Denmark. Friends since grade school, Oliver and Erik did everything together and continued to remain extremely close throughout high school and college. Oliver and Erik decided to profess their love for each other and began a relationship. As their relationship progressed, Oliver and Erik wanted to take the next step. Denmark has allowed same-sex civil unions since the 1980s, but same-sex marriage was illegal; although couples engaged in same-sex civil unions received nearly all of the same benefits and obligations of opposite-sex marriages. In 2012, Denmark passed legislation permitting same-sex couples to be legally married and naturally, the couple did so. Erik got an amazing job†¦show more content†¦Due to the legislation in Tennessee, Oliver could not use his husband’s health insurance for treatment because they are not legally recognized as a married couple in that state. If it were Olivia who developed the disease and needed treatment, she could easily use her husband’s health insurance. My legal reform would eliminate this problem entirely because despite the biological differences in the marriages, the state would still have to acknowledge them as married couples thus enforcing all benefits. Furthermore, Kurdek goes on to cite William N. Eskridge, stating that â€Å"being deprived of these privileges is unjust because it involves discriminating against a defined class of individuals.†As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, discrimination is the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people. The state of Tennessee’s ban on same-sex marriages clearly limits and separates the privileges of marriage solely on the basis of sexual preference. For example, the Massachusetts Constitution forbids the creation of second class citizens. This may not be the protocol for the state of Tennessee but it is de finitely something that should be adopted in all states. If the privileges of marriage are accessible only to those of the opposite sex, those same-sex couples can now be characterized as secondShow MoreRelatedThe Legal Recognition Of Same Sex Marriage925 Words  | 4 PagesIn this paper I will discuss marriage and its legal, social, and symbolic benefits. I will discuss the major arguments for the legal recognition of same-sex marriage and will mention the newest policy of same-sex marriage in the State of Oklahoma. I will give a historical analysis of marriage and family policy in the United States and summarize the information I found on I will conclude with my analysis of legal marriage for committed same-sex couples. There are over 1,000Read MoreRecognition and Legalization of Same-sex Marriage 1405 Words  | 6 Pageslesbian community has progressed, the fight for equality remains. 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